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The Avengers Review

The Avengers, we finally got it! The most anticipated blockbuster film we’ve all been waiting for is here.

Based on Marvel comics’ Avengers, the film features an outstanding line up of superheros. From the well known Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Captain America (Chris Evans) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) – who all have there own standalone films, to the lesser known Black Widow (Scralett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner).

The Avengers 2012 Movie Poster

These heroes are joined together to defeat one evil man, the evil Asgardian Loki (Tom Hiddleston). Loki’s plan of threat is to take over humanity, with support from an army of aliens that come from a small cosmic cube.

Director of S.H.I.E.LD, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), calls upon the superheroes to defend humanity against the crazed Loki. Sounds simple enough, this is the storyline, its basic and that’s all there is to it.

There’s no side love story, just plain old good versus evil.

The perfect director for the film, Joss Whedon – (Buffy, Angel) puts his amazing talent on display as he demonstrates the changing aspects of team work and the individual heart and character of each superhero.

For some the question is – how can all these superheros with varying powers, qualities and personalities work together in defeating evil? You’ll soon find out.

The film see’s Iron Man and Captain America dish it out in a verbal ego clash, while we also get to see Thor physically fight it out with Iron Man and the Hulk. But this negative character interaction is not the only interaction played out, there are plenty of positives; when it matters most the superheros come together, when everything is really on the line, they re-focus and become a super group that learns to outsmart the ever so calm and confident Loki.

Perhaps the last quarter of the film is where it hits its high point. The action is unbelievable, as the superheros work in unity with every battle – you just don’t dare to look away. You get an enjoyment you have not felt before, all these superheros, all these powers, all in one film.

Too much of my surprise and for my friends who saw the film with me, we found the film had more comedy than what we had expected. This came from Iron Man’s witty charisma and Hulk’s anger used to lighten the mood with brilliant timing. Iron Man almost steals the show, but the Hulk – inarguably the best of the group – definitely steals the spot light in almost every scene he is in, weather its in smashing buildings, withstanding bullets or using his loud yell to wake up Iron Man.

Hawkeye and Black Widow play their part as agents with great shooting and fighting skills, but their importance to the fight is only minor. Compared with Thor, Iron Man, Hulk and Captain America’s out of this world abilities, you could almost rule out Hawkeye and Black Widow from the super group.

The only negative in the film is the basic storyline, it never gets complex or really has jaw dropping twists, the film could have almost cut back at least twenty minutes of running time – due to this lack of depth.

On another note you don’t get to see some of the original Avengers from the comics either, such as Spider man and Wolverine – though with too many characters the dynamics would have become far too complex for a single film storyline.

But on the positive, the action lives up to the expectation and the humour is wildly entertaining. Iron Man and Hulk were the stars of the film – bringing both humour and the majority of power.

They definitely made it a show – one boy in front of the theatre keep yelling in cheer of the Hulk – not to anyone’s surprise of course, after all Hulk was the strongest out of everyone.

I know I walked out of the theatre feeling satisfied and happy, as most of the audience seemed too – I did see there were plenty of grins.

And why wouldn’t there be? With the right cast joined with the perfect director, nothing could go wrong.
My rating: 4/5

About Elaine Stockdale

Writer, blogger, striker, baller, avid sports fan, wannabe musician, songwriter, musician, food lover, film appreciator, eager to travel the world.


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April 2012